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8 Great Holiday Gift Ideas for the Homebrewer in Your Life – 2017

The holiday season is now in full swing which means it’s time to buckle down and get your holiday shopping done.

If you have a homebrewer in your life and are struggling to come up with some great gift ideas, you’ve come to the right spot. Any of the following items will be sure to put a smile on their face this holiday season.

Stir Plate with Erlenmeyer Flask

Once homebrewers have moved past the beginner phase and start to make larger and larger batches of beer, it’s important to make yeast starters for fermenting larger quantities of beer. A stir plate with Erlenmeyer flask makes a great gift to allow for creating great yeast starters.

This $75 kit from is the perfect size and comes with many of the necessary accessories.

Precision Scale

On brew days, a good scale is invaluable. Whether a homebrewer needs precise quantities of hops or other additives, the importance of a precision scale should not be understated.

Mash Paddle

A good mash paddle is an important tool for all homebrewers to have at their disposal. There are a lot of cool ones out there to choose from (although we are a little biased to recommend our own maple mash paddle).

If your homebrewer doesn’t have a mash paddle, it is a great and relatively inexpensive present for them.

Vacuum Sealer

One of the best ways to try to save money as a homebrewer is to buy ingredients in bulk. The downside to it is that you need to make sure to store your ingredients in a way where they won’t spoil.

A good vacuum sealer and bags allows homebrewers to buy bulk quantities of grains and hops and rest assured that they will stay fresh for extended periods of time.

Grain Mill

A grain mill is another essential tool if homebrewers want to be able to buy grains in bulk as they no longer will need to exclusively purchase pre-milled grains.

American Homebrew Association Membership

If you’re unsure about any of these gifts, it’s hard to go wrong with an American Homebrew Association membership.

Members get access to tons of great resources; discounts at various brew shops, tap houses, and breweries; and access to the annual homebrew conference.

Homebrew Journal

One of the most important skills to learn to improve your homebrewing skills is through taking good notes.

Having something like the Homebrew Journal is a great way to document ingredients and observations to tweak and improve upon recipes over time.


If you’re feeling spendy, a new fermenter will make a great gift for any intermediate to advanced homebrewer.

Most homebrew beginners will use glass or plastic carboys for fermentation. If your homebrewer doesn’t yet have a high-quality fermenter, it might be time.

Our versatile 15.5 gallon Uni-Fermenter is one of the best fermenters available for fermenting beer and also doubles as a keg – a great addition to any serious homebrewer’s arsenal.